S32 S39 S40 S3301 S3251 S3276
Primary Market Confectionary Confectionary Tahini Confectionary Confectionary Tahini
Secondary Markets Oil Oil Confectionary / Oil Tahini / Oil Tahini / Oil Oil
Trait Improved Non-dehiscent * Improved Non-dehiscent * Improved Non-dehiscent * Improved Non-dehiscent * Improved Non-dehiscent * Improved Non-dehiscent *
Maturity Medium-Early Medium-Late Medium Medium-Late Medium Medium
KEY FEATURES : Proven dryland performer Heavy branching Widely Adapted Adapted to the Rio Grande Valley Good disease tolerance Triple Capsule Suitable for Double
Suitable for Double Crop Acres Proven long season performance Suitable for Double Crop Acres Excellent in stress conditions Adapted to West Texas/South Oklahoma Crop Acres Ultra Oil
Recommended Row Width(inches) 15-30 15-40 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30
Recommended Planting Rate(lb/acre) 1-3.5 0.75-1.5 1-3.5 0.75-1.5 1-3.5 1-3.5
Area of Adaptation All growing areas South Texas/South East U.S. All growing areas South Texas West Texas/S. Oklahoma Northern Oklahoma/Kansas
Standability 7 9 9 9 9 9
Yield for Maturity
Performance Scores
1=Poor, 9=Excellent
7 7 7 7 8 8
Branched/Single Stem Branched Branched Branched Branched Branched Branched
Single/Triple Capsule Single Single Single Single Single Single/Triple
Days to Flower 32 40 35 40 35 35
Plant Height Medium Med-Tall Medium Medium Medium Medium
Oil Level (1-9; low-high) 4 4 4 5 6 8
Seed Color White White White White White White
Color Rating (1-9; dark-bright) 5 7 7 9 7 4
Seed Size (1-9; small-large) 6 7 5 6 6 3

SEED TREATMENT Producers have the option to order seed treated with fungicide and insecticide


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Seed Treatment

Protect your investment with the latest in seed treatment technologies