Sesame is a versatile crop grown in arid/semi-arid regions that can add value to almost any farm program.


Growing Area Guidelines

Sesame is a broadleaf summer crop with similar growth habits to cotton and soybeans.

soil temp at planting


Days to maturity

110-140 days

Preferred Soil type

Medium to light well-drained soils that do not stand water


Heat & drought tolerant

- Recent studies have shown that sesame can maintain performance under water-limiting conditions that reduced cotton yields by 40%

- Sesame thrives at temperatures (+120F°) that will wilt other crops


Input Efficient

- Requires less water than other crops

- Offers more potential return for less cost (less risk) than other crops

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- Can successfully be incorporated into almost any cropping system

- Dryland or irrigation

- Wide-row or narrow-row

- Till or no-till

- Common equipment used for other crops can be used to produce sesame


Beneficial rotation

- As a non-host for root-knot nematodes, rotation with sesame has shown to reduce nematode levels

- Adds beneficial residue on the surface and within the soil profile, resulting in improved tilth and topsoil protection

What growers are saying -


Interested in discussing how sesame can add value to your farm?



Next generation genetics

A successful crop begins with the right seed


Production services

Full service support from production planning through crop marketing